Building Number Sign PUBLIC DESIGN
Gallery: Seocho-gu Building Number Signs
Photographic Records of Seocho-gu Building Number Signs, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea Seocho-gu Building Number Sign System Seocho-gu Wayfinding for FIT Photography Gallery
Photographic Records of Seocho-gu Building Number Signs, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea Seocho-gu Building Number Sign System Seocho-gu Wayfinding for FIT Photography Gallery
Photographic Records of National Standard Designs in Korea since 2009 Street Name Signs Building Number Signs Area Directory Sign System Parody Design National Standard Design Research National Standard Signs Manual Photography Gallery Invited Exhibition in China
Designing an Official University Souvenir for Hanyang University THE CHALLENGE The common method is boring Hanyang University wanted a high-quality gift to celebrate the spirit of the university with foreign visitors and high donors. Previously, Hanyang University applied the university identity logo on the pre-made souvenirs which are the standard method of Read more…
Building Number Signs & Wayfinding forSeocho-gu Regional Government THE CHALLENGE Exclusive designs Seocho-gu invited me to design building number signs exclusively for Seocho-gu based on the national standard proposal that I have developed. And Seocho-gu is home to the Supreme Court, a prominent government organization, with a wide variety of Read more…
Street Name Signs, Building Number Signs, and Information Signs System Research Supported by Korean National Governments THE CHALLENGE Designs for the new street number address system For many years, Korea’s street name and building number signs used the lot number address system, which was a part of irregular and indiscriminate Read more…
My Posters as Permanent Collections by the US Library of Congress The best poster designs from 1999 to 2005 Posters were once printed on large sheets of paper and displayed in popular spots, reaching thousands with important messages. However, the modern commercial landscape requires less reliance on paper and more Read more…
Building Beautiful Event Identity for Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP) THE CHALLENGE Design is popular The Design College Fair, hosted by the Korea Design Promotion Agency, was held at the COEX Convention Hall with national design universities from November 19 to November 23. With the growing impact of the Read more…
Hangeul-gak, a personal style that I strive to the perfection The basic shapes and colors of the Hangeul-gak system have symbolic meanings. Colors and lines hide precisely as much as they show Poetry gains language by itself, but it erases just as much. My work begins with the relational tension Read more…