Street Name Signs, Building Number Signs, and Information Signs System Research Supported by Korean National Governments
Designs for the new street number address system
For many years, Korea’s street name and building number signs used the lot number address system, which was a part of irregular and indiscriminate public facilities development in the country. In April 2007, the new street number address system was implemented and established in Korea. By 2009, my research team and I developed design guidelines for street name and building number signs to complete the installation of public facilities related to the new street number address system.
Final research goals:
■ Development of design by street name sign and building number sign type
■ Development of integrated design for other information signs
■ Design development of dedicated typography, colors, and sign standard
■ Development of street name and building number signs guidelines

Strategies and systems for implementation
In 2006, the Korea government selected my research proposal for the national research project, and I conducted a study on the new street number address system and public facilities. In 2007, the Korea government supported my research to compete with the national project of the civil design of Korea. During the next two-year research period, I utilized the research strategies and methods for the study of micro and macro design elements to produce models suitable for research purposes. This design research verified the designs through a variety of research methods and collaboration and carried out the projects smoothly.

National brand and standard
The visual of an urban environment is an essential part of the national brand identity: We form a culture, directly and indirectly, due to the harmony of various visuals in the urban environment. A well-made public design can make our culture advanced.
Final Presentation
National Standard Signs Manual
National Standard Design Research
National Standard Signs Manual
Photography Gallery
Invited Exhibition in China
Responsibilities: proposal, consulting, research, surveys, testing, concept, prototype, information design, user experience, experience design, design thinking, photography, typography, illustration, production design, and presentations.