Problem and Problem Solving as Important Elements for Developing a Design Concept

Choi, A. Y. (2009). Problem and Problem Solving as Important Elements for Developing a Design Concept. Journal of Digital Design, 9-1, 267-277.

Korea Digital Design Council (KODDCO)


The design of the 21st century must be logical and perceptual. We live in where the perception is logic, and the logic is perception. Logic is hard for everyone, but everyone has own perception. If the design concept is logical thoughts, the perception is an aesthetic expression.

This study recognizes the problem and its cognition as the cause of the concept that the human brain functions the origin of problem and cognition for understanding a logical and unique concept. Because cognition science studies this, the analysis based on utilizing literature from cognition science. And, the study explains the types and characteristics of the problem and its cognition by using design problem-solving process by Jerry Samuelson, to understand design problem-solving for applying problem and its perception to design.

Through this study, when the designer attempts to solve the problem, the first step, the designer utilizes the divergent thinking to recognize the problem as the Ill-defined problem to invent many ideas. In the second step, the designer uses convergent thinking to organize and select an appropriate idea. Based on the finding of the relationship between problem and problem-solving in the design concept development, this study shows a systematic cognition of the design concept. 

Keywords: Creative Concept, Creativity, Design Concept, Design Problem, Problem Solving

Elements and processes of design problem-solving thinking (Diagram designed by Albert Young Choi)

Conceptor Model

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