Catalog Design for a Personal Exhibition at Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China


Showing my research results

I need to promote my research result; now it permanently systemized the wayfinding and wayshowing of Korea. It must show the process of the research and the utilization of the result. 


Single identity for multiple purposes

This book has three purposes: a poster, an exhibition catalog, and a promotional book. All have a unified visual identity, and separately, each shows its own purpose and user experiences like each building number sign and street name sign needs to signify and adopt the given environment. 


Highly acclaimed music education

This project educated people that design includes the process and quantitative research based on user experience, design thinking, aesthetics, and collaborations. This design added bilingual text, English and Chinese, to cover many audiences around the world. After the exhibition, the book has been used as promotional material. 

Photography Records

National Standard Signs Manual

the Journey of a Design

My Solo Exhibition in China

Responsibilities: consulting, research, concept, photography, typography, illustration, image correction, color correction, layout design, comprehensive design, production design, pre-press, and press-check