The Fifth Global Visual Culture (GVC) Symposium

Media Room
The Liechtenstein National Museum
Vaduz, Liechtenstein
September 13, 2017, at 2-4pm
We are connected as human beings in many different ways, but the essential connection among people is communication-based on the visuals. Over our human history, we have created visuals to share the similarity and to differentiate the dissimilarity. Those historical artifacts become cultural icons for the particular culture, nation, and race. We as humans have created visuals to decorate these artifacts; the artifacts are the visuals. Even in today’s complicated network of people, basic communication never and will not change the visuals that we understand. The Global Visual Culture Symposium (GVC Symposium) is a gathering of educators, practitioners, researchers, thinkers, and students in the visual communication design disciplines. We share our thoughts and find our communication for our generation and beyond.

Dynamic Brand Identity
Dr. Arafat Al-Naim (UAE)
Playing Matters: A personal take on undergraduate design education
Mr. Juergen Hefele (Germany)
The Structure as a Series Operation
Mr. Ferenc Kiss (Hungary)
Democratic Design
Mr. Lee Baumgarten (USA)
The Power of Sound: Unite the humans of the world for love & peace
Mr. Thomas Schauffert (Switzerland)
Culture Made by Design
Dr. Albert Inyoung Choi (Korea)
My Presentation:
Design-Led Culture, CUlture Made by Design
Humans have a unique mental attribution as code; the characteristic of individuals is based on the norms and values of art, literature, traditions, beliefs, language, customs, religion, history, religion and lifestyle. A group of individuals sharing these traits together form a social group, creating a common culture code and differentiating itself from other societies or social groups. Thus, to achieve the success of the culture code in society, consumers can gain the interests and trust of society by ensuring that they understand and communicate with the culture. However, the real question is how the design ultimately communicates comprehensible cultural codes of the target consumer groups. Creating a culture code of target consumers is never easy. First, designers must read generic culture codes of the target and formulate a brand design strategy to gain the attention of the target consumers by organizing the formula of the General Culture Code and Proposal Culture Code.