The 30th Daejeon Design Award organized by Daejeon Intitute of Design Promotion (DIDP)

About the Daejeon Design Award
The Daejeon Design Competition is a competition organized by the Daejeon Design Promotion Institute. This contest is open to the general public and college students to discover new designs and demonstrate their professional capabilities. It is a unique festival venue that presents future development values. In addition, the first designers strengthened their competitiveness as excellent designers through introductory It aims to revitalize the economy and cultivate a design mind through professional design development. We hope that those interested in design will actively participate, and we ask for your continued interest in the future.
Second Screening
Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 at 2:00-6:00 pm
Main Auditorium, Daejeon Design Promotion Institute

Greeting by Chairperson
Albert Young Choi, Ph.D.
Chairman of the Design Competition Judging Committee
The second screening, the final screening of the 30th Daejeon Design Contest, was held on Wednesday, November 17th, 2021, at 2 pm in the bright autumn sunlight at the 1st-floor auditorium, Daejeon Design Promotion Institute, with eight expert judges. After examining 80 designs that have passed in the first screening, the 2nd screening by carefully selecting one grand prize, two gold prizes, four silver prizes, ten bronze prizes, 40 special prizes, three teams of special awards, and two first design prizes, to have completed the examination.
Walter Gropius, who argued that design was “a new integration: art and technology,” founded the Bauhaus 100 years ago, which can be said to be the source of education and philosophy of modern design, based on his design philosophy. After that, he served as a professor at Harvard University, USA. It has had a significant impact on American design education. And his teachings have spread throughout the world through American education and practice and have had numerous effects on humanity. As the chair of the judging committee, I have confirmed the teachings of Walter Gropius in many excellent works during the second screening, which is the final judgment of the 30th Daejeon Design Contest. We have identified designs that will lead the industry and economy of Korea, which has entered an advanced country. In addition, we identified designs that relieved shortcomings and arrogance and expressed values for others.
Congratulations to the winners of the 30th Daejeon Design Contest. And I would like to express my congratulations to all the participants who participated in the excellent work. In addition, we would like to thank the eight judges for their careful evaluation. In addition, we would like to thank the people involved in the Daejeon Design Promotion Agency for organizing and operating this event.
Lastly, I sincerely hope that this event will remain a good memory for the participants in their lives as designers. Also, I look forward to your interest, support, and participation in the 31st Daejeon Design Contest next year.
Thank you.