International Conference on Design & Digital Communication
The third edition of DIGICOM, an International Conference on Design and Digital Communication was organized by the Design School of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave.
Digital is increasingly ubiquitous and prevalent in our networked and global society. Given this paradigm, a debate about the role of design and communication in different interactive digital media and platforms is urgently needed.

15-16 November 2019
Gil Vicente Theater
Barcelos, Portugal

Keynote Speakers
Professor, Hanyang University and President, United Designs Alliance
Dr. Albert Young Choi is the Founding President of the United Designs Alliance (UDA), a global design organization. Albert is also an Honorary Professor at Shanghai Normal University in China and a professor at Hanyang University in Korea. Also, he had taught design at the University of North Texas and California State University Fullerton. Before becoming an educator, Albert was a designer for COY Los Angeles, a prolific graphic design firm. He succeeded in designing projects for the regional, national, and global consumers in the USA, Korea, and China. His other specialty is analyzing and making visual language and culture through collaborating design, research, and strategy. Many international design competitions and organizations recognize him. In addition, his designs are in permanent collections of the US Library of Congress.

Director – Intelligence and Fan Experience, FPF
Since 2017, Mafalda has led the Directorate of Intelligence and Service to the Portuguese Football Federation fans, seeking to deepen the fans’ knowledge and improve their experience on all fronts, both in the digital and in the stadium. Before moving to football, she made a telecommunications career, always linked to customer and loyalty programs. Mafalda was responsible for the loyalty program of TMN, launched the area of emotional loyalty, and created, in PT Companies, the management direction of churn. She then switched to Vodafone to work in the Corporate market. She has led several multidisciplinary teams ranging from data scientists to product or commercial managers.

Professor of Design and New Media
Ph.D. Design (Royal College of Art, 2003). MFS (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1992). Professor of Design and New Media at the University of Porto, where he directs the Ph.D. Program in Design and ID+ / Unexpected Media Lab. Interests include the linguistic implications of new media, the ecology of perception, and cultural criminology. Current Chair of the Scientific Board (HSS) at the Foundation for Science and Technology. Curator, FuturePlaces Medialab for Citizenship, since 2008. AV has worked since 2000 via Touch, Cronica Electronica, Ash International,, and Tapeworm. Alter-egos include Autodigest and Antifluffy.

Senior Product Designer at Spotify
Felipe Fiuza has worked for more than 13 years in projects that promote people’s connections through digital platforms. He’s had the opportunity to work in various industries, for top brands and ad agencies, with a recent focus on creating lasting and meaningful digital products. Felipe currently works as a Senior Product Designer at Spotify. He brings new partnerships to life for customers and defines a future-looking design strategy for Spotify Premium alongside his tech, product, and research counterparts. He loves getting people together from different teams and backgrounds, challenging the norm, pushing the design craft forward, and creating experiences people love to talk about.

Organizing Committee
Nuno Martins, General Chair
Daniel Brandão, Co-chair
Pedro Mota Teixeira, Co-chair
António Ferreira
Jéssica Campos
Jorge Pereira
Isabel Arouca
Isabel Xavier
Luís Eustáquio
Paulo Fernandes
Sérgio Dominique
Students of the Master in Digital Design
Nuno Martins (Art Direction)
Luís Eustáquio (Web Design)
Paulo Fernandes (Web Development)
Pedro Mota Teixeira (Video & Motion Graphics)
António Ferreira (Video & Motion Graphics)

Scientific Committee
Albert Young Choi College of Design – Hanyang University (Korea)
António Lacerda Universidade do Algarve
Arafat Al-Naim Dean of College of Design – American University in the Emirates (EAU)
Catarina Moura Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
Catarina Silva Escola Superior de Design IPCA (PT)
Daniel Brandão Univrsidade do Minho (PT)
Daniel Raposo Politécnico Castelo Branco (PT)
Derek Lackaff School of Communications Elon University (US)
Elizete de Azevedo Kreutz Universidade Univates (BR)
Fernando Galindo Rubio Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain)
Fernando Moreira da Silva Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
Fernando Suarez Carballo Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain)
Francisco Paiva Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
Frederico Braida Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (BRA)
Gerry Leonidas University of Reading (UK)
Heitor Alvelos Universidade do Porto (PT)
João Abreu Politécnico de Lisboa (PT)
João Brandão Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
Jorge Pereira Escola Superior de Design IPCA (PT)
Juan Ra Martin Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain)
Krasimira Borisova Drumeva ST Cyril and St. Methodius, University of Veliko Tarnovo, Faculty of Fine Arts (BG)
Lev Manovich City University of New York (US)
Manuel Montes Vozmediano Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
Miguel Carvalhais INESC TEC & FBAUP (PT)
Nelson Zagalo Universidade de Aveiro (PT)
Nuno Martins Escola Superior de Design IPCA (PT)
Pau Garcia Domestic Data Streamers / Elisava (SPAIN)
Pedro Amado Universidade do Porto (PT)
Pedro M. Teixeira Escola Superior de Design IPCA (PT)
Rita Espanha ISCTE (PT)
Sara Pereira Universidade do Minho (PT)
Sérgio Dominique Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo IPCA (PT)
Susana Barreto Universidade do Porto (PT)
Teresa Ruão Universidade do Minho (PT)
Tiago Assis Universidade do Porto (PT)
Vera Barradas Martins Politécnico Portalegre (PT)
Vítor Quelhas Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design IPP (PT)
What Is Compassion For Design and Research?
About Personal Design and Research Experience Focusing on the Issue of Compassion
Presented by Albert Young Choi, Ph.D.
Friday, November 15th at 11:30 am
Digicom 2019
Teatro Gil Vicente
Barcelos, Portugal

Essential Message
- Design and research must find a thoughtful, kind, and decent solution to people (target and consumers).
- Designers and researchers must utilize Sympathy and Empathy to understand the target’s mind and reason, identifying the target’s mind and reason with methodologies such as “consciousness of kind (or consumer behavior),” “brand personality,” “persona,” “simulation (or prototype),” and “identification (SWOT),” among others.
- Read 100 books to become an expert in a specific field. Visit 100 places before you die to become a wise person.